Snapshots From Japan: Bamboo Forest

One year ago, Phil and I were on our babymoon in Japan. What a difference a year makes! Now, we're dreaming of a day when we'll be able to safely leave our homes, let alone travel. After all, COVID-19 has hit us all like a ton of bricks.

Since I've been dreaming of traveling  a lot recently, sharing some more unpublished photos with you today which we snapped in Kyoto's beautiful Bamboo Forest (I recently shared more Japan shots here).

I was just over four months pregnant here and I remember thinking my bump was already popping. Of course, I didn't realize how much bigger it would get the second time around (maternity photos here in case you missed them!).

Arashiyama Bamboo Grove

The Bamboo Forest in Kyoto, Japan is a photographer's dream--and it's even more picturesque if you get there nice and early.

There is one path leading up to the Bamboo Grove and since it's actually smaller than it looks in photos, it fills up with tourists rather quickly. We went on the later side which is why I share this tip but regardless, we got some amazing shots and had such a wonderful experience.

We also happened to shoot our pregnancy announcement at this location (sharing a few of those photos below!).

It's so special to look back at these shots and to know that it's Sadie in those ultrasound photos. I remember feeling so nauseous in these photos because I had such bad morning sickness but I love looking back at them now.

Where Are  You Dreaming Of Traveling?

After we find our new normal post-COVID--whenever that may be, where are you dreaming of traveling?

The pandemic has already taught me that we need to schedule more trips when it is safe enough to do so again because life is just too short. I was always so stressed out about missing work that I was often passing up vacation days and the opportunity to take breaks. I'm not sure if I'll ever be good at unplugging and letting go but I really want to try to get better in this department!

I'm dreaming of traveling to the Grecian Isles, Northern Italy, Morocco and BoraBora for starters! What about you? Tell me all the things in the comment section below and thanks so much for stopping by as always!

Photography: Azusa Takano


Snapshots From Japan: Yasaka Pagota


A Look Back: Six Months in With Sadie